Families » Infinite Campus - Student Information System

Infinite Campus - Student Information System

Updating Your Information

Online Registration

Before each new school year, both current and new families can complete our online registration. This process is done through our student database system called Infinite Campus.

E-update is the process of updating any and all important information about your scholar and household. After completing the online registration, you will also fill out the free and reduced lunch form(FRAM) in IC.

Infinite Campus helps you.

  • Update your child’s health records, emergency contacts, your family information, apply for meal benefits for your child, and more.
  • Stay up-to-date with your child’s schedule, attendance, grades, behavior, and growth
In order to complete online registration and FRAM form, you must first have a Parent Portal account on Infinite Campus. You will find the instructions below! We have also created video tutorials to guide families through the process step-by-step.

Need further assistance?
Please watch the e-Update video tutorial. If you still have questions after that call your school office.

Support in Somali or another language
If you need support in another language, please contact your school office to be connected with an interpreter.


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