Family Engagement
What is the Family Engagement Office?
Our mission is to provide our families with the support and resources they need to ensure that their children achieve school success and to strengthen community engagement to accelerate academic achievement.
Our commitment is to ensure that families and parents are partners with our teachers, school administrators, and school staff to support their children's education.
Offer assistance to Hiawatha families to navigate the school system and schoolDistrict to advocate for their children's educational needs.
Provide a free Family Empowerment Zone program designed for parents that brings schools, parents, and the community together as equal partners so that all students can achieve their greatest academic potential.
Collaborates with various parent organizations and parent advocacygroups to strengthen family engagement: Family Association, American Indian Parent Advisory Committee, and East African Parent Committee.
Want to join any of the parent committees?
Email us at: [email protected]
If you need any support at all, please contact Marisol Rojas and Angie Trimbach - [email protected]